Blooming flowers, buzzing bees, and the sweet scent of freshly cut grass are just around the corner. With spring comes multiple to-do lists, including a spring asphalt maintenance checklist! We want to help you achieve long-lasting pavement for your home and business, so let’s jump right in!

#1: Visual Inspection

The first step on your spring asphalt maintenance checklist is a visual inspection. After the harsh winter weather, you want to ensure that your parking lot has not sustained any damage. You will need to check for:

  • Standing water
  • Faded or graying pavement
  • Cracks
  • Dents
  • Potholes

If you have any of these, you should call your paving specialist for an inspection and repair before the problem grows.

#2: Sand Sweeping

If you had snow this winter, there is likely sand and excess debris on the road from the snowplows. Sweeping up the excess sand and disposing of the waste will make your pavement look neat and tidy!

#3: Sealcoating

When was the last time you had your pavement sealcoated? Sealcoating should be a part of your regular maintenance schedule as it protects your pavement from environmental elements like sun and ice and human-made factors like oil, salt, and other chemicals. It also helps to increase your pavement’s lifespan while giving it that fresh, newly black look! If you haven’t had your pavement sealcoated in a few years, spring is the ideal time to get it done.

#4: Painting

If you have a parking lot, your lines and striping may have faded over the winter. Spring is the perfect time to re-paint before the heat sets in. We highly recommend adding a new coat of paint to:

  • Parking spaces
  • Handicap areas
  • Loading zones
  • No parking zones
  • Speed bumps
  • Fire lanes
  • Crosswalks

#5: Edging

With spring comes an influx in the growth of grass, weeds, and flowers. If you want to maintain a clean, professional look to your driveway or parking lot, we recommend edge it. Pull weeds and grass out from any cracks in the pavement and curb the edges to make the transition off the pavement look pristine.

#6: Regular Scheduled Maintenance

Regular maintenance is critical to maintaining healthy, long-lasting pavement. We recommend regularly cleaning away dirt and debris, washing the pavement, clearing drains, and repairing any damage as soon as possible. If you are a busy business owner, you can hire cleaning crews to keep your park lot looking pristine, as well as schedule annual inspection and repair checks with your paving company.

Signature Paving

Do you need asphalt inspections, maintenance, repair, or replacement? Signature Paving is here to help! Our highly experienced team is ready to help you achieve the driveway or parking lot best suited for your home or business. Give us a call today for an estimate!