New Homeowners – Why Should You Pave Your Driveway?

New Homeowners – Why Should You Pave Your Driveway?

As a new homeowner with an unpaved driveway, you may be wondering if it is worth getting your driveway paved or if you should just leave it. Today, we explain the advantages of paving your driveway and how it will benefit you long-term. Advantages of Paving Your...
5 Spring Cleaning Tips for Asphalt

5 Spring Cleaning Tips for Asphalt

Hello, spring! Winter is finally on its way out, and spring is ready to shine! As with many homeowners, now is the time to hit that spring cleaning checklist. Today, we are sharing with you 5 spring cleaning tips for asphalt! Why is Spring Cleaning Important? Your...
Signature Paving – Signs You Need Immediate Asphalt Repair

Signature Paving – Signs You Need Immediate Asphalt Repair

Whether for your home or business, your asphalt is a critical component of your property’s function, beauty, and safety. Unfortunately, some unavoidable factors can severely damage your asphalt. If this happens, it is critical that you get an immediate repair....
Paving Mistakes to Watch Out For

Paving Mistakes to Watch Out For

Each year, billions of tons of asphalt get poured for driveways, roads, and parking areas around the USA. Obviously, there are going to be mistakes along the way, but we don’t want them to happen to you! Therefore, we have created this list of 5 paving mistakes to...
How Rain Deteriorates Asphalt

How Rain Deteriorates Asphalt

As local Oregonians, we are no strangers to rain. Depending on your location, you could potentially receive more rain than the national average; we sure do here in Sherwood, averaging 42 inches a year. So, what does all that rain mean for your asphalt? In this...
How to Prep Your Parking Lot for Winter

How to Prep Your Parking Lot for Winter

Winter is just around the corner! While preparing your business for the winter months by replacing weather stripping and covering pipes, have you thought about prepping your parking lot? Today, we are going to cover the five essential steps on how to prep your parking...